26 Feb





Visit to Wales by Bangladesh High Commissioner to the UK

The First Minister met with the High Commissioner during his two-day visit to Wales. At the meeting they discussed the promotion of Welsh Language, education in Wales and the Bangladesh community in Wales.




28 Feb









28 Feb









28 Feb







29 Feb




29 Feb


First Minister visit to Brussels, Belgium*

The First Minister travelled to Brussels to celebrate St. David’s Day and demonstrate Wales’ commitment as a European nation with European partners. The First Minister spoke at an event hosted by Forum Europe, met with the Minister President of Flanders, held a roundtable discussion hosted by WindEurope and attended an event hosted by Universities Wales. In the evening the First Minister hosted a reception to celebrate St. David’s Day at the Ambassador’s Residence in Brussels.


Minister for Health & Social Services visit to India*

The Minister for Health & Social Services travelled to India to launch the year of Wales in India 2024 at the St David’s Day reception in Mumbai and attended meetings and events across multiple sectors, including healthcare, global responsibility and soft power.  The Minister also visited the state of Kerala to sign a Memorandum of Understanding alongside the Chief Minister of Kerala to strengthen relations between Wales and the Government of Kerala to support recruitment to Wales. 


Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip visit to Ireland*

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip travelled to Dublin to reaffirm the Welsh Government’s commitment to the Ireland-Wales Shared Statement and to mark St David’s Day. The two-day visit included meetings with Government Ministers and Departments, attendance at several cultural and business events and the hosting of a St David’s Day reception.


First Minister visit to Indian High Commission, London

The First Minister met with the Indian High Commissioner in London at the Commission’s St David’s Day reception.


Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd visit to the American Embassy, London

The Minister met with the US Ambassador in London at the Embassy’s St David’s Day reception.



*A written statement with more information on the visits will issue in due course.